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Central Bank of India Recruitment -Apply for 484 Safai Karmachari Cum Sub-Staff

Apply for Safai Karmachari Cum Sub-Staff and Sub-Staff positions with a minimum 10th standard qualification. Online applications open until June 27
Central Bank of India 484 Safai Karmachari Recruitment

Central Bank of India Recruitment 2024 has announced vacancies for the positions of Safai Karmachari Cum Sub-Staff and/or Sub-Staff. The minimum qualification required for these posts is a 10th standard pass or its equivalent examination pass. The application process is conducted online through the official website.

The notification was released on June 21, 2024, and the last date to apply is June 27, 2024. Candidates can apply online by visiting the provided link and filling out the necessary details. The selection process includes an online examination and a local language test.

To summarize, Central Bank of India Recruitment 2024 offers opportunities for eligible candidates to apply for subordinate staff positions with a straightforward online application process.

Central Bank of India Sub-Staff and/or Sub-Staff Post Recruitment 2024

Advertisement No RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION 2024-2025
Organization Name Central Bank of India (CBI)
Post name Safai Karmachari Cum Sub-Staff and/ or Sub-Staff
Location Pan India
Total no of vacancies 484
Mode of selection Online Examination and Local Language Test
Apply mode Online
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Jobs Positions details from official notification

Safai Karmachari Cum Sub-Staff and/or Sub-Staff

Total Number of Vacancies:484

Reservation Category Number of Seats
SC (Scheduled Caste) 62
ST (Scheduled Tribe) 42
OBC (Other Backward Classes) 114
EWS (Economically Weaker Section) 48
GEN (General) 218
OH (Orthopedically Handicapped) 5
VH (Visually Handicapped) 5
HI (Hearing Impaired) 5
ID (Intellectual Disability) 4
EXSM (Ex-Servicemen) 118

Qualification: For Fresh Candidates: Minimum educational qualification: 10th standard pass / SSC pass or its equivalent examination.
For Candidates Who Applied in the 2012-13 Recruitment Process: Minimum educational qualification: Eighth standard pass or its equivalent examination.

Desirable Experience: Not specified

Salary: ₹ 19500 - 665 / 3 - 22160 - 830 / 3 - 26310 - 990 / 4 - 30270 - 1170 / 3 - 33780 - 1345 / 4 - 37815 (20 years)

Age Limit: For Fresh Candidates: Between 18 years to 26 years as on 31.03.2023.
For Candidates Who Applied in the 2012-13 Recruitment Process: Age during initial engagement as temporary/casual worker: Between 18 to 26 years. Age as on 09.08.2012: Not more than 45 years, irrespective of category. Maximum age as on 31.03.2023: Not more than 57 years.

Selection Prosses for Central Bank of India Sub-Staff and/or Sub-Staff position

Online Examination:
Subjects: English Language Knowledge, General Awareness, Elementary Arithmetic, Psychometric Test (Reasoning)
Total Marks: 70
Duration: 90 minutes
Negative Marking: 0.25 marks for each wrong answer

Local Language Test:
Total Marks: 30
Duration: 30 minutes

Provisional Selection: Based on merit in the Online Examination and Local Language Test, subject to reservation policy and Government guidelines.

Application fee

  • SC/ST/PwBD/EXSM candidates: INR 175/- (inclusive of GST)
  • All other candidates: INR 850/- (inclusive of GST)

Important dates

Notification Date Date
Notification Date: 17.06.2024
Application Start Date 21.06.2024
Last Date to Apply 27.06.2024

How to apply for Central Bank of India Sub-Staff and/or Sub-Staff position

To apply for the Safai Karmachari Cum Sub-Staff and/or Sub-Staff positions at the Central Bank of India for the year 2024-2025, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Official Website:
    • Go to the official website of Central Bank of India or directly access the recruitment section.
  2. Registration:
    • If you are a new user, register yourself on the website. Provide basic details such as name, email ID, mobile number, etc. You will receive a registration ID and password on your registered email/mobile.
  3. Login:
    • Use the registration ID and password to log into your account on the official website.
  4. Fill Application Form:
    • Navigate to the recruitment section and find the link to apply for the Safai Karmachari Cum Sub-Staff and/or Sub-Staff positions.
    • Fill in all the required details in the application form carefully. This includes personal information, educational qualifications, work experience (if any), etc.
  5. Upload Documents:
    • Upload scanned copies of your photograph, signature, left thumb impression, hand-written declaration, and any required certificates as specified in the notification.
    • Ensure that all documents are uploaded in the prescribed format and size.
  6. Payment of Application Fee:
    • Pay the application fee online using net banking, credit card, debit card, etc., as per the fee structure mentioned in the notification.
    • SC/ST/PwBD/EXSM candidates may need to pay a reduced fee compared to other candidates. Verify the fee details before proceeding with payment.
  7. Review and Submit:
    • Before final submission, review all the details filled in the application form.
    • Make corrections if necessary and ensure that all mandatory fields are filled correctly.
  8. Print Application Form:
    • After successful submission of the application form, download or print a copy of the completed application for your reference.
  9. Confirmation:
    • You will receive a confirmation email or SMS regarding the successful submission of your application.

By following these steps systematically and ensuring all requirements are met, you can successfully apply for the Safai Karmachari Cum Sub-Staff and/or Sub-Staff positions at the Central Bank of India.

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