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Islamic University of Science & Technology (IUST) Recruiting 02 Project Technical Support-III

IUST Recruiting 02 Project Technical Support-III

Islamic University of Science & Technology (IUST) Recruitment 2024 has announced vacancies for the position of Project Technical Support-III. With a total of 2 vacancies available, candidates are required to have a Graduation or Master’s degree in Public Health, Nursing, Technology, or Environmental Sciences from a recognized university. The application process for these positions is through email, requiring candidates to submit their duly filled application forms, detailed CVs, and relevant certificates as a single PDF document to before the closing date on 27-05-2024. The engagement is purely temporary, co-terminus with the duration of the project, and the salary is Rs. 28,000 + 9% HRA per month.

Islamic University of Science & Technology (IUST) Recruitment 2024

Organization Name Islamic University of Science & Technology (IUST)
Post name Project Technical Support-III
Total no of vacancies 02
Mode of selection Interview
Apply mode Through Email
More updates from this website
Last Date: 27-05-2024
Applications Open
Get the official document here Visit PDF

Jobs Positions Details from official Notification

Project Technical Support-III

Total Number of Vacancies: 02

Qualification: Graduation or Master’s in Public Health/Nursing/Technology/Environmental Sciences from a recognized university.

Desirable Experience:

  • Proficiency in Computer handling and MS Word, Excel, Power Point, knowledge of statistical tools.
  • Experience in data collection, data analyses, data handling, and report writing.
  • Scientific writing skills.

Salary: ₹28,000 + 9% HRA (Rs. 2,520) per month (Consolidated)

Selection Prosses

The selection process involves an interview.

Important Dates

  • Notification Published On: 30-04-2024.
  • Online Application Last Date: 27-05-2024.

How To Apply For Recruiting 02 Project Technical Support in IUST

To apply for the Project Technical Support-III posts, Here's a step-by-step guide you need to follow the application process:

  1. Prepare Your Application:
    • Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
    • Prepare a duly filled application form as per the enclosed format.
    • Compile your detailed CV and relevant certificates in a single PDF document.
  2. Send Your Application:
    • Email your application along with the required documents to the provided email address:
    • Make sure to send the email before the specified deadline, which is 27th May 2024.
  3. Wait for Communication:
    • After submitting your application, wait for further communication.
    • The list of eligible candidates for the interview will be uploaded on the university website
    • The date of the interview will be communicated through email or the IUST website.
  4. Prepare for the Interview:
    • If your application is shortlisted, prepare for the interview process.
    • Be ready to present your qualifications, experiences, and skills relevant to the position.
    • Familiarize yourself with the research project and its objectives.
  5. Attend the Interview:
    • Attend the interview on the scheduled date and time.
    • Bring all original testimonials/certificates (and one attested copy) related to your qualification and experience.
  6. Follow Up:
    • After the interview, follow up with the hiring team if necessary.
    • Await the final decision regarding your application.

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